An Act for Marriages in Ireland; and for registering such Marriages.
[9 August 1844]
7 & 8 Vict. c.81
After 31st of March 1845 all Rules prescribed by the Rubrick to continue to be observed. Marriages shall be solemnized on Production of Registrar's Certificate. |
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Law of Marriages in Ireland, and to provide the Means for a Register of the Marriages of Her Majesty's Subjects in that Part of the United Kingdom: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lord Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That after the Thirty-first Day of March in the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-five all the Rules prescribed by the Rubrick concerning the solemnizing of Marriages shall continue to be duly observed, except as herein-after provided, by every Person in Holy Orders of the United Church of England and Ireland who shall solemnize any Marriage in Ireland: Provided always, that the giving of Notice to the Registrar and the Issue of the Registrar's Certificate for Marriage without Licence, as herein-after mentioned, may be used and shall stand instead of the Publication of Banns, to all Intents and Purposes, where no such Publication shall have been made; and every Person in Holy Orders of the United Church of England and Ireland shall be abound to solemnize Marriage on Production of such Certificate, in like Manner as he is required to do by any Law or Canon now in force, after due- Publication of Banns, so nevertheless that the Church wherein any Marriage according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland shall so be solemnized shall be within the District of the Registrar by whom such Certificate as aforesaid shall have been issued. |
Nothing herein to affect the Right of granting Special Licences. Notice to be given to Surrogate before Licence. Entry of Notices. Fee for entry. No Security required before granting Licence. Notice void after Three Months. |
II. And be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall affect the Right of the Archbishop of Armagh and his Successors, and his and their proper Officers, to grant Special Licences to marry at any convenient Time or Place, or, except as herein-after provided, the Right of any Surrogate or other Person now having Authority to grant Licences for Marriage; provided that no Surrogate or other Person now having Authority to grant Licences for Marriages shall " grant any Licence for Marriage, not being a Special Licence, until Seven Days after Notice shall have been given by one of the Parties who shall have resided for not less than Seven Days then next preceding in the Parish named in that Notice, under his or her Hand, in the Form of Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, or to the like Effect, to such Surrogate or other Person having Authority to grant Licences as aforesaid, which Notices he shall file and keep with the Records of his Office, and he shall also forthwith enter a true Copy of such Notices fairly in a Book to be for that Purpose furnished to him by the Registrar General herein-after mentioned, to be called "The Marriage Notice Book," which Book shall be open at all reasonable Times, without Fee, to all Persons desirous of inspecting the same; and such Surrogate or other Person shall forthwith send a Copy of such Notice to the Incumbent or Incumbents of the Parish or Parishes in which the Parties intending Marriage dwell; and for entering every such Notice the Surrogate or other Person shall be entitled to have a Fee of One Shilling, over and above the accustomed Fee for granting the Licence; and after the said Thirty-first Day of March no Person applying for any such Licence shall be required to give any Security by Bond or otherwise before the Grant of such Licence; and whenever a Marriage shall not be had within Three Calendar Months after the Notice shall have been so given to the Surrogate or other Person as aforesaid, the Notice, and any Licence which may have been granted thereupon, shall be utterly void. |
Roman Catholic Marriages not affected. | III. And be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall affect any Marriages by any Roman Catholic Priest which may now be lawfully celebrated, nor extend to the Registration of any Roman Catholic Chapel, but such Marriages may continue to be celebrated in the same Manner and subject to the same Limitations and Restrictions as if this Act had not been passed. |
Marriages between parties, one or both of whom are Presbyterian, may be solemnized in certified Meeting Houses. | IV. And be it enacted, That Marriages between Parties, both of whom are Presbyterians, may be solemnized according to the Forms used by Presbyterians, either by the Licence of a Presbyterian Minister, or by Publication of Banns, as herein-after respectively mentioned, in Meeting Houses to be certified as herein-after mentioned, between the Hours of Eight in the Morning and Two in the Afternoon, with open Doors, and in the Presence of Two or more credible Witnesses; and Marriages between Parties, of whom one only is a Presbyterian, may be solemnized according to the same Forms, by such Licence of a Presbyterian Minister, in such Meeting Houses, between the same Hours, with open Doors, and in the Presence of Two or more credible Witnesses; provided that in either Case there be no lawful Impediment to the Marriage of such Parties. |
Banns to be published in Cases where both of the Parties to be married are Members of Presbyterian Congregations. | V. And be it enacted, That after the said Thirty-first Day of March, in every Case in which a Marriage shall be proposed to be solemnized by a Presbyterian Minister between Two Presbyterians, otherwise than by Licence, Banns of Matrimony shall be published by or in the Presence of a Presbyterian Minister in the Presbyterian Meeting House, certified as herein-after is mentioned, frequented by the Congregation of which the Parties to be married shall be Members, upon Three Sundays preceding the Solemnization of the Marriage, during the Time of Divine Service, and any such Marriage by a Presbyterian Minister, shall be solemnized in such Meeting House, and not elsewhere; and whenever it shall happen that the Parties to be married by a Presbyterian Minister shall be Members of different Congregations the Banns shall in like Manner be published in the certified Presbyterian Meeting House frequented by the Congregation of which each of the Parties to be married shall be a Member; and in every such last-mentioned Case of Publication of Banns the Presbyterian Minister by or in whose Presence such Banns shall be published shall, in Writing under his Hand, certify the Publication thereof; and any such Marriage by a Presbyterian Minister shall be solemnized in one of the certified Presbyterian Meeting Houses where such Banns shall have been published, and in no other Place whatsoever; and before such Marriage shall be solemnized the Certificate of the Presbyterian Minister by whom or in whose Presence the Banns shall have been published in the other certified Meeting House shall be delivered to the Presbyterian Minister solemnizing such Marriage. |
Notice of the Names, Places of Abode, and Time of Residence of the Parties to be given to the Minister Six Days before Publication of Banns. | VI. And be it enacted, That no Presbyterian Minister shall publish or. allow to be published any Banns of Matrimony in any Presbyterian Meeting House of which he is Minister, unless the Persons to be married shall, Six Days at the least before the Time required for the first Publication of such Banns, deliver or cause to be delivered to such Presbyterian Minister a Notice in Writing of their true Christian and Surnames, and of the Congregation or Congregations of which they shall respectively be Members, and of the House or Houses of their respective Abodes, and of the Time during which they have dwelt, inhabited, or lodged in such House or Houses respectively. |
Each Presbytery to appoint Ministers to certify Meeting Houses. Registry thereof. |
VII. And be it enacted, That each Presbytery of Presbyterians in Ireland may from Time to Time, subject to the Approbation of the Lord Lieutenant, appoint One or more Ministers, who shall certify to the Registrar herein-after mentioned that the Meeting House to be described in every such Certificate is within such Presbytery, and is used as a Place of public Religious Worship by Presbyterians in connection with such Presbytery; and, such Minister shall deliver to the Registrar such Certificate, signed in Duplicate by him; and the Registrar shall send both Certificates to the Registrar General, who shall cause such Meeting House to be registered accordingly in a Book to be kept for that Purpose at the General Register Office herein-after mentioned; and the Registrar General shall cause to be endorsed on both Certificates the Date of the Registry, and shall keep one Certificate with the other Records of the General Register Office, and shall return the other Certificate to the Registrar, who shall keep the same with the other Records of his Office; and the Registrar shall enter the Date of the Registry of such Meeting House in a Book to be furnished to him for that Purpose by the Registrar General, and shall give a Certificate of such Registry, under his Hand, on Parchment or Vellum, to the Minister by whom the Certificates shall have been signed, and shall give public Notice of the Registry thereof by Advertisement in some Newspaper circulating within the County, and in the Dublin Gazette; and for every such Entry, Certificate, and Publication the Registrar shall receive at the Time of Delivery to him of the Certificates the Sum of One Pound; and every such Minister shall continue to exercise the Powers given to him by this Act during the Pleasure of the Lord Lieutenant. |
Such Ministers to grant Licences for Marriages to be solemnized in Presbyterian Meeting Houses. Minister to give Security. |
VIII. And be it enacted, That every such Minister so appointed and approved as aforesaid shall have Authority to grant Licences for Marriage in any Presbyterian Meeting House, certified as aforesaid within his Presbytery, in the Form of Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed, and for every such Licence shall be entitled to have of the Party requiring the same the Sum of Five Shillings; and in any Case in which such Minister shall refuse to grant such Licence the Person applying for the same shall be entitled to appeal to the Presbytery by which such Minister shall have been appointed, which shall thereupon either confirm the Refusal or direct the Grant of the Licence; and every such Presbyterian Minister shall Four Times in every Year, on such Days as shall be appointed by the Registrar General, make a Return to the Registrar General of every Licence granted by him since his last Return, and of the Particulars stated concerning the Parties: Provided always, that no such Minister shall grant any such Licence until he shall have given Security by his Bond in the Sum of One hundred Pounds to the Registrar General for the due and faithful Execution of his Office. |
Before Licence granted One of the Parties to appear before the Minister, and to take a Certain Oath, &c. | IX. And be it enacted, That; before any Licence for Marriage as last aforesaid shall be granted by any such Presbyterian Minister, one of the Parties intending Marriage shall appear personally before such Minister, and such Party shall make and subscribe an Oath, or a solemn Affirmation or Declaration instead of taking an Oath, which Oath, Affirmation, or Declaration such Minister is hereby authorized to administer, that he or she believeth that there is not any Impediment of Kindred or Alliance, or other lawful Hindrance to the said Marriage, and that one of the said Parties hath for the Space of Fifteen Days immediately before the Day of the Grant of such Licence had his or her usual Place of Abode within the Presbytery within which the Marriage is to be solemnized, and that they are both of the full Age of Twenty-one Years, or, when either of the Parties shall be under the Age of Twenty-one Years, that the Consent of the Person or Persons whose Consent to such Marriage is required by Law has been obtained thereto, or that there is no Person having Authority to give such Consent, or that such Party is a Widower or Widow, as the Case may be. |
Person applying for a Licence to produce from the Minister of the Congregation of which such Person shall be a Member a Certificate in a given Form. | X. And be it enacted, That the Party so appearing personally before the Minister authorized to grant Licences as aforesaid shall, Seven Days before the Licence shall be delivered to him, produce to such Minister a Certificate according to the Form in Schedule (D.) to this Act annexed, or to the like Effect, from the Minister of the Congregation of which he or she shall be a Member, and has been a Member for at least One Calendar Month preceding, which Certificate the Minister authorized to grant Licences as aforesaid shall carefully file and preserve in such Place and Manner as the Presbytery shall direct, and shall also forthwith enter a true Copy of all such Certificates fairly into a Book to be for that Purpose furnished to him by the Registrar General, to be called "The Marriage Notice Book," which Book shall be open at all reasonable Times, without Fee, to all Persons desirous of inspecting the same; and for entering every such Notice the Minister shall be entitled to a Fee of One Shilling. |
Caveat may be lodged with the Minister against Grant of Licence. | XI. And be it enacted, That any Person may enter a Caveat with the Minister so appointed and approved against the Grant of a Licence for the Marriage of any Person named therein; and if any Caveat be entered with such Minister, such Caveat being duly signed by or on behalf of the Person who enters the same, together with his or her Place of Residence, and the Ground of Objection on which his or her Caveat is founded, no Licence shall issue or be granted until the Minister shall have examined into the Matter of the Caveat, and is satisfied that it ought not to obstruct the Grant of the Licence for the said Marriage, or until the Caveat be withdrawn by the Party who entered the same; and in Cases of Doubt it shall be lawful for such Minister to refer the Matter of any such Caveat to the Presbytery by which he shall have been appointed, which shall decide upon the same. |
Marriage of Quakers and Jews. | XII. And be it enacted, That the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers, and also Persons professing the Jewish Religion, may continue to contract and solemnize Marriage according to the Usages of the said Society and of the said Persons respectively; and every such Marriage shall be deemed good in Law, provided that the Parties to such Marriage be both of the said Society, or both Persons professing the Jewish Religion respectively; provided also, that Notice to the Registrar shall have been given, and the Registrar's Certificate shall have issued in manner herein-after provided. |
Notice of intended Marriage to be given to the Registrar of the District. Proviso. |
XIII. And be it enacted, That in every Case of Marriage intended to be solemnized in Ireland after the said Thirty-first Day of March according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland (unless by Licence or by Special Licence, or after Publication of Banns), and in every Case of Marriage intended to be solemnized in Ireland after the said Thirty-first Day of March according to the Usages of the Quakers or Jews, or according to any Form authorized by this Act, One of the Parties shall give Notice under his or her Hand, in the Form, of Schedule .(A.) to this Act, annexed, to the like Effect, to the Registrar, appointed as hereinafter is mentioned, of the District within which the Parties shall have dwelt for not less than Seven Days then next preceding, or if the Parties dwell in the Districts of different Registrars shall give the like Notice to the Registrar of each District, and shall state therein the Name and Surname and the Profession or Condition of each of the Parties intending Marriage, the Dwelling Place of each of them, and the Time not being less than Seven Days during which each has dwelt therein, and the Church or other Building in which the Marriage is to be solemnized, which must be within the District within which one of the Parties shall have dwelt for the Time last aforesaid; but if either Party shall have dwelt in the Place stated in the Notice during more than One Calendar Month it may be stated therein that he or she hath dwelt there One Month and upwards: Provided always, that no such Notice shall be required for any Marriage by a Roman Catholic Priest which may now lawfully be celebrated, or when the Marriage is intended to be solemnized by a Presbyterian Minister between Two Persons, both or one of whom shall be Presbyterians, in a Presbyterian Meeting House certified as aforesaid. |
Registrar to keep Notices in a Book. | XIV. And be it enacted, That the Registrar shall file all such Notices, and keep them with the Records of his Office, and shall also forthwith enter a true Copy of all such Notices fairly into a Book, to be for that Purpose furnished to him by the Registrar General, to be called "The Marriage Notice Book;" the Cost of providing which shall be defrayed in like Manner as the Cost of providing the Register Book herein-after mentioned; and the Marriage Notice Book shall be open at all reasonable Times, without Fee, to all Persons desirous of inspecting the same; and for every such Entry the Registrar shall be entitled to have a Fee of One Shilling. |
Notices to be published. | XV. And be it enacted, That on the Day previous to each weekly Meeting of the Guardians of any Poor Law Union, or of any Parish or Place comprising the District for which such Registrar shall act, the Registrar shall transmit to the Clerk to the Guardians all such Notices of intended Marriage as he shall have received on or since the Day previous to the weekly Meeting immediately preceding the same; and such Clerk shall read such Notices immediately after the Minutes of the Proceedings of such Guardians at their last Meeting shall have been read; and such Notices shall be so read Three several Times in Three successive Weeks at the weekly Meetings of such Guardians, unless in any Case Licence for Marriage shall be sooner granted, and Notice of such Licence being granted shall have been given to such Clerk: Provided also, that if it shall happen that the Board of Guardians of any such Union, Parish, or Place shall not so meet, it shall be sufficient for the Purposes of this Act that such Notices shall be read at every Meeting of such Guardians which shall be held within Twenty-one Days from the Day of such Notice being entered; and if no Meeting be held within Twenty-one Days from the Day of such Notice being entered, the Entry of such Notice shall be sufficient for the Purposes aforesaid. |
After Seven Days, or Twenty-one Days, Certificate of Notice to be given, upon demand. | XVI. And be it enacted, That after the Expiration of Seven Days if the Marriage is to be solemnized by Licence, or of Twenty-one Days if the Marriage is to be solemnized without Licence, after the Day of the Entry of such Notice, the Registrar, upon being requested so to do by or on behalf of the Party by whom the Notice was given, shall issue under his Hand a Certificate in the Form of Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed, provided that no lawful Impediment be shown to the Satisfaction of the Registrar why such Certificate should not issue, and provided that the Issue of such Certificate shall not have been sooner forbidden in manner herein-after mentioned by any Person or Persons authorized in that Behalf as herein-after is provided; and every such Certificate shall state the Particulars set forth in the Notice, the Day on which the Notice was entered, and that the full Period of Seven Days or of Twenty-one Days (as the Case may be) has elapsed since the Day of the Entry of such Notice, and that the Issue of such Certificate has not been forbidden by any Person or Persons authorized in that Behalf; and for every such Certificate the Registrar shall be entitled to have a Fee of One Shilling. |
Forms of Certificates to be furnished. Certificates for Marriages by Licence to be distinguishable from other Certificates. |
XVII. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall furnish to every Registrar a sufficient Number of Forms of Certificates, the Cost of which shall be accounted for by the Registrar to the Registrar General; and in order to distinguish the Certificates to be issued for Marriages by Licence from the Certificates to be issued for Marriages without Licence, a Water-mark in the Form of the Word "Licence," in Roman Letters, shall be laid and manufactured in the Substance of the Paper on which the Certificates to be issued for Marriage by Licence shall be written or printed; and every Certificate to be issued for Marriage by Licence shall be printed with Red Ink, and every Certificate to be issued for Marriage without Licence shall be printed with Black Ink, and such other distinctive Marks between the Two Kinds of Certificate shall be used from Time to Time as shall seem fit to the Registrar General. |
Issue of Registrar's Certificate may be forbidden. | XVIII. And be it enacted, That any Person authorized in that Behalf may forbid the Issue of the Registrar's Certificate by writing at any Time before the Issue of such Certificate the Word "forbidden" opposite to the Entry of the Notice of such intended Marriage in the Marriage Notice Book, and by subscribing thereto his or her Name and Place of Abode, and his or her Character, in respect of either of the Parties, by reason of which he or she is so authorized; and in case the Issue of any such Certificate shall have been so forbidden the Notice and all Proceedings thereupon shall be utterly void. |
Who are to give Consent if Parties are under age. | XIX. And be it enacted, That after the said Thirty-first Day of March no Marriage shall be solemnized in Ireland by Licence either of a Surrogate or Deputy Surrogate, or of a Presbyterian Minister or a Registrar, as herein .provided, where either of the Parties, not being a Widower or Widow, shall be under the Age of Twenty-one Years, unless the Consent of the Father of such of the Parties so under Age (if then living) be first had and obtained, or if dead of the Guardian or Guardians of the Person of the Party so under Age lawfully appointed, or one of them, and in case there shall be no such Guardian or Guardians, then of the Mother of such Party, if unmarried, and if there shall be no Mother unmarried, then of the Guardian or Guardians appointed by the Court of Chancery, if any, or one of them; and every Person whose Consent to a Marriage by Licence is required as aforesaid shall be authorized to enter a Caveat against the Issue of Licence by any Person empowered by this Act to grant Licences, and shall be also authorized to forbid the Publication of Banns in any Church or Chapel, or certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and to forbid the Issue of the Registrar's Certificate. |
Who to give Consent in case of Incapacity of Parents and Guardians. | XX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if the Father or Fathers of the Parties to be married, or one of them, so under Age as aforesaid, shall be non compos mentis, or the Guardian or Guardians, Mother or Mothers, or any of them, whose Consent is made necessary as aforesaid to the Marriage of such Party or Parties, shall be non compos mentis, or in Parts beyond the Seas, or shall unreasonably or from undue Motives refuse or withhold his, her, or their Consent to a proper Marriage, then it shall be lawful for any Person desirous of marrying in any of the before-mentioned Cases to apply by Petition to the Lord Chancellor or the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of Ireland for the Time being, or Master of the Rolls, who shall be empowered to proceed upon such Petition in a summary Way; and in case the Marriage proposed shall upon Examination appear to be proper, the said Lord Chancellor, Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal for the Time being, or Master of the Rolls, shall judicially declare the same to be so; and such judicial Declaration shall be deemed and taken to be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes as if the Father, Guardian or Guardians, or Mother, of the Person so petitioning, had consented to such Marriage. |
Registrar may grant Licences for Marriage. Registrar to give Security. Proviso. |
XXI. And be it enacted, That after the said Thirty-first Day of March every Registrar shall have Authority to grant Licences for Marriage in any Building registered as herein-after provided within his District, or in his Office, in the Form of Schedule (E.) to this Act annexed, and for every such Licence shall be entitled to have of the Party requiring the same the Sum of Five Shillings; and every Registrar shall Four Times in every Year, on such Days as shall be appointed by the Registrar General, make a Return to the Registrar General of every Licence granted by him since his last Return, and of the Particulars stated concerning the Parties: Provided always, that no Registrar shall grant any such Licence until he shall have given Security by his Bond in the Sum of One hundred Pounds to the .Registrar General for the due and faithful Execution of his Office: Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall authorize any Registrar to grant any Licence for Marriage in any Church or Chapel in which Marriages may be solemnized according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, or in any Church or Chapel belonging to the said United Church, or licensed for the Celebration of Divine Worship according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the said United Church, or any Licence for a Marriage between Two Persons, both or one of whom shall be Presbyterians, in a Presbyterian Meeting House certified as aforesaid. |
Certificate to be given before the Licence is granted. | XXII. And be it enacted, That before any Licence for Marriage shall be granted by any such Registrar One of the Parties intending Marriage shall appear personally before such Registrar, and, in case the Notice of such intended Marriage shall not have been given exclusively to such Registrar, shall deliver to him the Certificate of the other Registrar, to whom such Notice shall have been given, and such Party shall make Oath, or shall make his or her solemn Affirmation or Declaration instead of taking an Oath, that he or she believeth that there is not any Impediment of Kindred or Alliance or other lawful Hindrance to the said Marriage, and that One of the said Parties hath for the Space of Fifteen Days immediately before the Day of the Grant of such Licence had his or her usual Place of Abode within the District within which such Marriage is to be solemnized, and that they are both of the full Age of Twenty-one Years, or, where either of the Parties shall be under the Age of Twenty-one Years, that the Consent of the Person or Persons whose Consent to such Marriage is required by Law has been obtained thereto, or that there is no Person having Authority to give such Consent, or that such Party is a Widower or Widow, as the Case may be. |
Caveat may be lodged with Registrar against Grant of Licence or Certificate. | XXIII. And be it enacted, That any Person, upon the Payment of the Sum of Five Shillings, may enter a Caveat with the Registrar against the Grant of a Certificate or a Licence for the Marriage of any Person named therein; and if any Caveat be entered with the Registrar, such Caveat being duly signed by or on behalf of the Person who enters the same, together with his or her Place of Residence, and the Ground of Objection on which his or her Caveat is founded, no Certificate or Licence shall issue or be granted until the Registrar shall have examined into the Matter of the Caveat, and is satisfied that it ought not to obstruct the Grant of the Certificate or Licence for the said Marriage, or until the Caveat be withdrawn by the Party who entered the same; provided that in Cases of Doubt it shall be lawful for the Registrar to refer the Matter of any such Caveat to the Registrar General, who shall decide upon the same; provided likewise, that in case of the Registrar refusing the Grant of the Certificate or Licence the Person applying for the same shall have a Right to appeal to the Registrar General, who shall thereupon either confirm the Refusal or direct the Grant of the Certificate or Licence. |
Marriages not to solemnized until 21 Days after Entry of Notice, unless by Licence. | XXIV. And be it enacted, That after the said Thirty-first Day of March no Marriage after such Notice as aforesaid, unless by virtue of a Licence to be granted by the Registrar, shall be solemnized or Registered in Ireland until after the Expiration of Twenty-one Days after the Day of the Entry of such Notice as aforesaid; and no Marriage shall be solemnized by the Licence of any Registrar or registered until after the Expiration of Seven Days after the Day of the Entry of such Notice as aforesaid. |
New Notice required after Three Months. | XXV. And be it enacted, That whenever a Marriage shall not be had within Three Calendar Months after the Day. on which the Notice shall have been so entered by the Registrar, the Notice and Certificate, and any Licence which may have been granted there upon, and all other Proceedings thereupon, shall be utterly void; and no Person shall proceed to solemnize the Marriage, nor shall any Registrar register the same, until new Notice shall have been given, and Entry made, and Certificate thereof given, at the Time and in the Manner aforesaid. |
Registrar's Certificate or Licence to be delivered to the Person by or before whom the Marriage is solemnized. | XXVI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar's Certificate, or, in case the Parties shall have given Notice to the Registrars of different Districts, the Certificate of each Registrar, shall be delivered to the Officiating Minister, if the Marriage shall be solemnized according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, or to the Registering Officer of the People called Quakers for the Place where the Marriage is solemnized, if the same shall be solemnized according to the Usages of the said People, or to the Officer of a Synagogue by whom the Marriage is registered, if the same shall be solemnized according to the Usages of Persons professing the Jewish Religion, and in all other Cases shall be delivered to the Registrar present at the Marriage, as herein-after provided, and shall be by him kept with the Records of his Office. |
Places of worship may be registered for solemnizing Marriages therein. | XXVII. And be it enacted, That any Proprietor or Trustee of a separate Building, being a Place of Religious Worship, may apply to the Registrar of the District, in order that such Building may be registered for solemnizing Marriages therein, and in such Case shall deliver to the Registrar a Certificate, signed in Duplicate by Ten Householders at the least, that such Building has been used by them during One Year at the least as their usual Place of public Religious Worship, and that they are desirous that such Place should be registered as aforesaid, each of which Certificates shall be counter signed by the Proprietor or Trustee by whom the same shall be delivered; and the Registrar shall send both Certificates to the Registrar General, who shall cause such Building to be registered accordingly in a Book to be kept for that Purpose at the General Register Office; and the Registrar General shall cause to be endorsed on both Certificates the Date of the Registry, and shall keep one Certificate with the other Records of the General Register Office, and shall return the other Certificate to the Registrar, who shall keep the same with the other Records of his Office; and the Registrar shall enter the Date of the Registry of such Building in a Book to be furnished to him for that Purpose by the Registrar General, and shall give a Certificate of such Registry under his Hand, on Parchment or Vellum, to the Proprietor or Trustee by whom the Certificates are countersigned, and shall give public Notice of the Registry thereof by Advertisement in some Newspaper circulating within the County, and in the Dublin Gazette; and for every such Entry, Certificate, and Publication the Registrar shall receive at the Time of the Delivery to him of the Certificates the Sum of One Pound. |
On Removal of the same Congregation, the new Place of Worship may be immediately registered instead of the one disused. | XXVIII. And be it enacted, That if at any Time subsequent to the Registry of any such Building for solemnizing Marriages therein it shall be made to appear to the Satisfaction of the Registrar General that such Building has been disused for the public Religious Worship of the Congregation on whose Behalf it was registered as aforesaid, the Registrar General shall cause the Registry thereof to be cancelled; provided that if it shall be proved to the Satisfaction of the Registrar General that the same Congregation use instead thereof some other .such Building for the Purpose of public Religious Worship, the Registrar General may substitute and register such new Place of Worship instead of the disused Building, although such new Place of Worship may not have been used for that Purpose during one Year then next preceding; and every Application for cancelling the Registry of any such Building, or for such Substitution and Registry of a substituted Building, shall be made to the Registrar General by or through the Registrar of the District; and such Cancelling or Substitution, when made, shall be made known by the Registrar General to the Registrar, who shall enter the Fact and the Date thereof in the Book provided for the Registry of such Buildings, and shall certify and publish such Cancelling or Substitution and Registry in manner herein-before provided in the Case of the original Registry of the disused Building; and for every such Substitution the Registrar shall receive from the Party requiring the Substitution the Sum of One Pound; and after such Cancelling or Substitution shall have been made by the Registrar General it shall not be lawful to solemnize any Marriage in such disused Building, unless the same shall be again registered in the Manner herein-before provided. |
Marriages may be solemnized in such Places in the Presence of Two Witnesses. | XXIX. And be it enacted, That after the Expiration of the said
Period of Twenty-one Days, or of Seven Days if the Marriage is by
Licence, Marriages may be solemnized in the registered Building
stated as aforesaid in the Notice of such Marriage, between and by
the Parties described in the Notice and Certificate, according to such
Form and Ceremony as they may see fit to adopt: Provided nevertheless,
that every such Marriage shall be solemnized with open
Doors, between the Hours of Eight in the Forenoon and Two in
the Afternoon, in the Presence of the Registrar of the District in
which such registered Building is situate, and of Two or more credible
Witnesses; provided also, that in some Part of the Ceremony, and
in the Presence of such Registrar and Witnesses, each of the Parties
shall declare, 'I do solemnly declare, That I know not of any lawful Impediment why I A.B. may not be joined, in Matrimony to C.D. And each of the, Parties shall say to the other, 'I call upon these Persons here present to witness, That I A.B. do take thee C.D. to be my lawful wedded Wife [or Husband].' Provided also, that there be no lawful Impediment to the Marriage of Such Parties. |
Marriages may be celebrated before the Registrar at his Office. | XXX. And be it enacted, That any Persons who shall object to marry under the Provisions of this Act in any such registered Building may, after due Notice and Certificate issued as aforesaid, contract and solemnize Marriage on any Day except Sunday at the Office and in the Presence of the Registrar of the District, and in the Presence of Two Witnesses, with open Doors, and between the Hours aforesaid, making the Declaration and using the Form of Words herein-before provided in the Case of Marriage in any such registered Building. |
Marriage Fees to the Registrar. | XXXI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar shall be entitled, for every Marriage which shall be solemnized under this Act in his Presence, to have from the Parties married the Sum of Ten Shillings if the Marriage shall be by Licence, and otherwise the Sum of Five Shillings. |
Proof of residence of Parties, or of Consent, &c. not necessary to establish the Marriage. | XXXII. And be it enacted, That after any Marriage shall have been solemnized it shall not be necessary in support of such Marriage to give any Proof of the actual Dwelling of either of the Parties previous to the Marriage within the District or Presbytery (as the Case may be) wherein such Marriage was solemnized for the Time, required by this Act, or of the Consent of any Person whose Consent thereunto is required by Law; and where a Marriage shall have been solemnized in a certified Presbyterian Meeting House, it shall not be necessary to prove that either of the Parties was a Presbyterian, or, if the Marriage was by Licence, that the Certificate required to be delivered to the Minister granting such Licence had been so delivered, or, where the Marriage was by Banns, that a Certificate of the Publication of Banns had been produced to the Minister by whom the Marriage was solemnized, in Cases where such Production is required by this Act; nor shall any Evidence be given to prove the contrary of any of these several Particulars in any Suit touching the Validity of such Marriage, or in which such Marriage shall be questioned. |
Bishops, with Consent of Patrons, may license Chapels for the Solemnization of Marriages in populous Places. | XXXIII. And whereas it is expedient that Provision should be made, under proper Restrictions, for relieving the Inhabitants of populous Districts remote from the Parish Church, or from any Chapel wherein Marriages may be lawfully celebrated according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland, from the Inconvenience to which they may be thereby subjected in the Solemnization of their Marriages; be it therefore enacted, That, with the Consent of the Patron and Incumbent respectively of the Church, of the Parish or District in which may be situated any public Chapel with or without a Chapelry thereunto annexed, or any Chapel duly licensed for the Celebration of Divine Service according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland, or any Chapel the Minister whereof is duly licensed to officiate therein according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland, or without such Consent after Two Calendar Months Notice in Writing given by the Registrar of the Diocese to such Patron and Incumbent respectively, the Bishop of the Diocese may, if he shall think it necessary for the due Accommodation and Convenience of the Inhabitants, authorize by a Licence under his Hand and Seal the Publication of Banns and Solemnization of Marriages in any such Chapel for Persons residing within a District the Limits whereof shall be specified in the Bishop's Licence, and under such Provisions as to the said Bishop may seem fit, and as may be specified in the said Licence; and the said Licence shall be construed to extend to, and authorize Marriages in such Chapels between Parties, one or both of whom is or are resident within the said District: Provided always, that where the Parties to any Marriage intended to be solemnized after Publication of Banns shall reside within different Ecclesiastical Districts, the Banns for such Marriage shall be published as well in the Church or Chapel wherein such Marriage is intended to be solemnized as in the Chapel licensed under the Provisions of this Act for the other District within which one of the Parties is resident, and if there be no such Chapel then in the Church or Chapel in which the Banns of such last-mentioned Party may be legally published: Provided also, that it shall be lawful for any Patron or Incumbent who shall refuse or withhold Consent to the Grant of any such Licence to deliver to the Bishop, under his or her Hand and Seal, a Statement of the Reasons for which such Consent shall have been so refused or withholden; and no such Licence shall be granted by any Bishop until he shall have inquired into the Matter of such Reasons; and every Instrument of Consent of the Patron and Incumbent, or, if such Consent be refused or withholden, a Copy of the Notice under the Hand of the Registrar, and every Statement of Reasons alleged as aforesaid by the Patron or Incumbent, with the Bishop's Adjudication thereupon under his Hand and Seal, shall be registered in the Registry of the Diocese; and thenceforth and until the said Licence be revoked Marriages solemnized in such Chapel shall be as valid to all Intents and Purposes as if the same had been solemnized in the Parish Church, or in any Chapel where Marriages might heretofore have been legally solemnized. |
Appropriation of Fees on Marriages performed in such Chapels. | XXXIV. And be it enacted, That all Fees, Dues, and other Emoluments on account of the Solemnization of Marriages, which belong to the Incumbent or Clerk respectively of any Church or Chapel in any Parish or District within which the Solemnization of Marriages shall be authorized as aforesaid, shall respectively be received, until the Avoidance of such Church or Chapel next after the passing of this Act, for and on account- of such Incumbent, and until the Vacancy in the Office of Clerk next after the passing of this Act for and on account of such Clerk, and be paid over to them, except such Portion of the Fees, Dues, or other Emoluments as the said Bishop of the Diocese, with the Consent of the said Incumbent and Clerk respectively, shall in such aforesaid Licence assign to the Minister and Clerk respectively of the Chapel in which the Solemnization of Marriages shall be authorized as aforesaid; and that it shall be lawful for the said Bishop, in and by such Licence, without any such Consent, to declare that from and after such next Avoidance or Vacancy respectively the Whole or such Part of the Fees, Dues, and other Emoluments on account of the Solemnization of Marriages in such last-mentioned Chapel, as shall be . specified in such Licence, shall be receivable and the same shall thenceforth be received by or for the Minister and Clerk-of such Chapel respectively. |
Patron or Incumbent may appeal to the Archbishop against such Licences. | XXXV. And be it enacted, That when the said Bishop shall authorize the Solemnization of Marriages in any, such Chapel as aforesaid, without the Consent of the Patron and Incumbent respectively, it shall be lawful for them or either of them to appeal within One Calendar Month to the Archbishop of the Province, who shall hear the same in a summary Manner, and shall make such Order, confirming, revoking, or varying the Licence so given, as to him shall seem meet and expedient, which Order shall be registered in the Registry of the Diocese, and shall be conclusive and blinding on all Parties whatsoever. |
Notice of such Licences to be affixed in Chapels | XXXVI. And be it enacted, That there shall be placed in some conspicuous Part in the Interior of every Chapel in respect of which such Licence shall be given as aforesaid a Notice in the Words following: "Banns may be published and Marriages may be solemnized in this Chapel." |
Marriages performed in such Chapels to be under the same Regulations as those performed in Parish Churches. | XXXVII. And be it enacted, That all Provisions which shall from Time to Time be in force relative to Marriages, and to providing, keeping, and transmitting Register Books and Copies of Registers of Marriages solemnized in any Parish Church, "shall extend to any Chapel in which the Solemnization of Marriages shall be authorized as aforesaid, in the same Manner as if the same were a Parish Church; and every thing required by Law to be done relating thereto by the Rector, Vicar, Curate, or Churchwardens respectively of any Parish Church shall be done by the Officiating Minister, Chapel warden, or other Person exercising analogous Duties in such Chapel respectively. |
Option to Parties to be married at Parish Church. | XXXVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That, notwithstanding any such Licence as aforesaid to solemnize Marriages in any such Chapel, the Parties may, if they think fit, have their Marriage solemnized in the Parish Church, or in any Chapel in which heretofore the Marriage of such Parties or either of them might have been legally solemnized. |
Bishop, with Consent of Archbishop may revoke such Licences. | XXXIX. And be it enacted, That any such Licence or Order may at any Time be revoked by Writing under the Hand and Seal of the Bishop of the Diocese, with the Consent in Writing of the Archbishop of the Province; and such Revocation and Consent shall be registered in the Registry of the Diocese, the Registrar whereof shall notify the same in Writing to the Minister officiating in the Chapel, and shall also give public Notice thereof by Advertisement in some Newspaper circulating within the County, and in the Dublin Gazette, and thenceforth the Authority to solemnize Marriages in such Chapel shall cease. |
in which Case Registrars to be sent to the Incumbent of the Parish Church. | XL. And be it enacted, That in case of the Revocation of the Licence to solemnize Marriages in any such Chapel all Registers of Marriages solemnized therein under such Licence which shall be in the Custody or Possession of the Minister of such Chapel at the Time of such Revocation shall forthwith be transmitted to the Incumbent or Officiating Minister of the Parish Church, and shall thenceforth be preserved, and in all other respects dealt with in the same Manner, and be of the same Force and Validity, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been originally made by and deposited with such Incumbent or Officiating Minister; and that such Incumbent, or Minister shall, when he next transmits to the Registrar Copies of the Registers of Marriages solemnized in such Parish Church, also therewith transmit Copies of all such Entries as shall have been made in such first-mentioned Registers subsequent to the Date of the last Entry a Copy whereof was transmitted to the Registrar, and shall also transmit to him One Copy of every Register Book so transmitted to him of which no Copy shall have been already transmitted to the Registrar, having first signed his Name at the Foot of the last Entry therein. |
Registrars of Dioceses to send to the Register Office yearly Lists of licensed Chapels within their Districts. List of all Chapels and Buildings registered to be printed. |
XLI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar of every Diocese shall, within Fifteen Days after the said Thirty-first Day of March, and also within Fifteen Days after the First Day of January in every succeeding Year, make out and send through the Post Office, directed to the Registrar General of Marriages at his Office, a List of all Chapels belonging to the United Church of England and Ireland within that Diocese wherein Marriages may lawfully be solemnized according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland, and shall distinguish in such List which have a Parish, Chapelry, or other recognized Ecclesiastical Division annexed to them, and which are Chapels licensed by the Bishop under this Act, and shall state therein the District for which each of such Chapels is licensed according to the Description thereof in the Licence; and the Registrar General shall in every Year cause to be made out and printed a List of all such Chapels, and also of all Places of Public Worship registered under the Provisions of this Act, and shall state in such List the County and Registrar's District within which each Chapel or registered Building is situated, and shall add also the Names and Places of Abode of the Registrars; and a Copy of such List shall be sent to every Registrar. |
Marriages under this Act cognizable. | XLII. And be it enacted, That every Marriage solemnized under this Act shall be good and cognizable in like Manner as Marriages before the passing of this Act according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland. |
Persons vexatiously entering Caveat liable to Costs and Damages. | XLIII. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall enter a Caveat with the Registrar against the Grant of any Licence or Issue of a Certificate on Grounds which the Registrar General shall declare to be frivolous, and that they ought not to obstruct the Grant of the Licence, shall be liable for the Costs of the Proceedings, and for Damages, to be recovered in a special Action upon the Case by either of the Parties against whose Marriage such Caveat shall have been entered; and a Copy of the Declaration of the Registrar General, purporting to be sealed with the Seal of the General Register Office, and which Seal it shall not be necessary to prove, shall be Evidence that the Registrar General has declared such Caveat to be entered on frivolous Grounds, and that they ought not to obstruct the Grant of the Licence. |
Persons making false Declarations, &c. guilty of Perjury. | XLIV. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false Declaration or sign any false Notice or Certificate required by this Act, for the Purpose of procuring any Marriage, and every Person who shall forbid the Issue of any Registrar's Certificate, by falsely representing himself or herself to be a Person whose Consent to such Marriage is required by this Act, or by falsely representing himself to be acting on behalf of such Person, knowing such Representation to be false, shall suffer the Penalties of Perjury. |
Persons unduly solemnizing Marriage guilty of Felony. | XLV. And be it enacted, That every Person who after the said Thirty-first Day of March shall knowingly and wilfully solemnize any Marriage or pretended Marriage in Ireland, unless by Special Licence of the Archbishop of Armagh and his Successors, and his or their proper Officers, in any other Place than a Church or Chapel in which Marriages may be solemnized according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, or a Presbyterian Meeting House certified as aforesaid, or than the registered Building or Office specified in the Notice and Certificate as aforesaid, shall be guilty of Felony (except in the Case of a Marriage by any Roman Catholic Priest which may now be lawfully celebrated, or a Marriage between Two of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers, according to the Usages of the said Society, or between Two Persons professing the Jewish Religion, according to the Usages of the Jews); and every Person who in any such registered Building or Office shall knowingly and wilfully solemnize any Marriage or pretended Marriage in the Absence of the Registrar shall be guilty of Felony; and every Person who shall knowingly and wilfully solemnize any Marriage or pretended Marriage in Ireland after the said Thirty-first Day of March (except by Licence) within Twenty-one Days after the Day of the Entry of the Notice to the Registrar as aforesaid, or if the Marriage is by Licence within Seven Days after the Day of the Entry required by this Act made in any Marriage Notice Book, or after Three Calendar Months after the Day of such Entry, shall be guilty of Felony. |
Solemnizing Marriage without Publication of Banns, &c. | XLVI. And be it enacted, That every Person knowingly and wilfully solemnizing any Marriage, unless after due Publication of Banns or Licence, or the Issue of the Registrar's Certificate, or who shall knowingly and wilfully grant any such Licence or publish any such Banns, after the Issue of such Licence or the Publication of such Banns shall have been lawfully forbidden by some Person authorized as aforesaid, shall be guilty of Felony. |
Registrars unduly issuing Certificates guilty of Felony. | XLVII. And be it enacted, That every Registrar who shall knowingly and wilfully issue any Certificate for Marriage after the Expiration of Three Calendar Months after the Day on which the Notice shall have been entered by him as aforesaid, or any Certificate for Marriage by Licence before the Expiration of Seven Days after the Day of the Entry of the Notice, or any Certificate for Marriage without Licence before the Expiration of Twenty-one Days after the Day of the Entry of the Notice, or any Certificate the Issue of which shall have been forbidden as aforesaid by any Person authorized to forbid the Issue of the Registrar's Certificate, or who shall knowingly and wilfully register any Marriage herein declared to be null and void, and every Registrar who shall knowingly and wilfully issue any Licence for Marriage after the Expiration of Three Calendar Months after the Day on which the Notice shall have been entered by the Registrar as aforesaid, or who shall knowingly and wilfully solemnize or permit to be solemnized in his Office any Marriage herein declared to be null and void, shall be guilty of Felony. |
Limitation of Prosecution. | XLVIII. And be it enacted, That every Prosecution under this Act shall be commenced within the Space of Three Years after the Offence committed. |
Marriages void if unduly solemnized with Knowledge of both Parties. | XLIX. And be it enacted, That, except in the Case of Marriages by Roman Catholic Priests which may now be lawfully celebrated, if any Persons shall knowingly and wilfully intermarry after the said Thirty-first Day of March, in any Place other than the Church or Chapel or certified Presbyterian Meeting House in which Banns of Matrimony between the Parties shall have been duly and lawfully published, or specified in the Licence, where the Marriage is by Licence, or the Church, Chapel, registered Building or Office, specified in the Notice and Registrar's Certificate or Licence as aforesaid, or without due Notice to the Registrar, or without Certificate of Notice duly issued, or without Licence from the Registrar, in case such Notice or Licence is necessary under this Act, or in the Absence of a Registrar where the Presence of a Registrar is necessary under this Act, or if any Persons shall knowingly or wilfully, after the said Thirty-first Day of March, intermarry in any certified Presbyterian Meeting House without Publication of Banns, of any Licence, the Marriage of all such Persons, except in any Case herein-before excepted, shall be null and void. |
9 G. 2 (I) and 23 G 2 (I) repealed; but Act not to affect existing Enactments respecting degraded Clergymen. | L. And be it enacted, That after the said Thirty-first Day of March an Act passed by the Irish Parliament in the Ninth Year of the Reign of King George the Second, intituled An Act for the more effectual preventing clandestine Marriages, and so much of an Act passed in the Twenty-third Year of the same Reign, for explaining and making more effectual the last-recited Act, as relates to the last-recited Act, shall be repealed; but that nothing in this Act shall extend to repeal any Enactments now in force in Ireland for preventing the Performance of the Marriage Ceremony by degraded Clergymen. |
In fraudulent Marriages, the guilty Party to forfeit all Property accruing from the Marriage, as in 4 G. 4. c.76. | LI. And be it enacted, That if any valid Marriage shall be had under the Provisions of this Act by means of any wilfully false Notice, Certificate, or Declaration made by either Party to, such Marriage, as to any Matter to which a Notice, Certificate, or Declaration is herein required, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Attorney General or Solicitor General for Ireland to sue in the Court of Chancery or Court of Exchequer in Ireland for a Forfeiture of all Estate and Interest of any Property accruing to the offending Party by such Marriage; and the Proceedings thereupon and Consequences thereof shall be the same as are provided in the like Case with regard to Marriages solemnized in England by Licence before the passing of this Act according to the Rites of the Church of England. |
A General Registry Office to be provided in Dublin. | LII. And be it enacted, That, in order to provide the Means for a Register of the Marriages of Her Majesty's Subjects in Ireland who, shall be married under the Provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant to provide a proper Office in the City of Dublin, to be called "The General Register Office," for keeping a Register of such Marriages, and to appoint for the said Office a Registrar General of Marriages in Ireland, and from Time to Time at pleasure to remove the said Registrar General, and appoint some other Person in his Room. |
Lord Lieutenant to appoint Officers, and fix the Salaries of Register General and other Officers. | LIII. And be it enacted, That the Lord Lieutenant, or the Registrar General subject to the Approval of the Lord Lieutenant, shall appoint from Time to Time such Officers, Clerks, and Servants as he shall deem necessary to carry on the Business of the General Registry Office, and at pleasure remove them or any of them; and the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, shall fix the Salary of the Registrar General, so that the same shall not at any Time exceed the Sum of Eight hundred Pounds yearly, and shall fix the Salaries of the Officers, Clerks, and Servants in fit Proportion, according to the Duties they may have to perform. |
Salaries to be paid out of the Consolidated Fund. | LIV. And be it enacted, That the Salaries of the Registrar General, and of the said Officers, Clerks, and Servants, and all Expences of carrying on the Business of the General Registry Office, not herein otherwise provided for, shall be paid by the said Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. |
Regulations for Conduct of Officers to be framed under Direction of Lord Lieutenant. | LV. And be it enacted, That the Lord Lieutenant, or the Registrar General, with his Approbation, from Time to Time may make Regulations for the Management of the said Register Office, and for the Duties of the Registrar General, Clerks, Officers, and Servants of the said Office, and of the Registrars herein-after mentioned, in the Execution of this Act, so- that they be not contrary to the Provisions herein contained; and the Regulations so made and approved shall be binding on the said Registrar General, Clerks, Officers, and Servants, and on the Registrars. |
Annual Abstracts of Registers to be laid before Parliament. | LVI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall send once in every Year to the Lord Lieutenant, who shall forthwith transmit the same to One of the Principal Secretaries of State, a General Abstract of the Number of Marriages registered during the foregoing Year, in such Form as the said Secretary from Time to Time shall require; and every such annual General Abstract shall be laid before Parliament within One Calendar Month after Receipt thereof, or, if Parliament be not then sitting, within One Calendar Month after the next Meeting of Parliament. |
Registrars to be appointed for Districts to be formed by Lord Lieutenant. | LVII. And be it enacted, That the Lord Lieutenant shall, as soon as may be after the passing of this Act, form all the Parishes, Townships, and Places in Ireland into Districts; and the Lord Lieutenant shall appoint a sufficient Number of fit Persons to be Registrars for such Districts, and shall appoint the Districts which each shall superintend; and every such Registrar shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the Registrar General. |
A Register Office to be provide in each District. | LVIII. And be it enacted, That a Register Office shall be provided and upheld in each District, according to a Plan to be approved by the Registrar General, for preserving the Registers to be deposited therein, as herein-after provided; and the Care of the said Office, and the Custody of the Registers deposited therein, shall be given to the Registrar of the District. |
Appointments, &c. exempt from Stamp Duty. | LIX. And be it enacted, That the Appointments of Registrars, and the Duplicates and certified Copies of Registers, herein-after mentioned, shall be exempt from Stamp Duties. |
Register Boxes to be provided. | LX. And be it enacted, That the Registrar, General shall furnish to every Registrar a sufficient Number of strong Iron Boxes to hold the Register Books to be kept by every such Registrar; and every such Box shall be furnished with a Lock and Key, which Key shall be kept by the Registrar; and the Register Books of each District, while in the Custody of the Registrar, and not in use, shall be always kept in the Register Box, and the Register Box shall always be left locked. |
All Books &c. to be transferred on Removal of Registrars. | LXI. And be it enacted, That in every Case in which any Registrar shall be removed from or cease to hold the said Office, all Register Boxes, Keys, Books, Documents, and Papers in his Possession as such Registrar shall be given as soon as conveniently may be to his Successor in Office; and if any Person shall refuse to give up any such Box, Key, Books, Documents, or Papers in such Case as aforesaid it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace for the County or other Jurisdiction where such Person shall be or reside, upon Application made for that Purpose, to issue a Warrant under his Hand and Seal for bringing such Person before any Two Justices of the Peace for the said County or other Jurisdiction; and upon such Person appearing, or not being found, it shall be lawful for such Justices to hear and determine the Matter in a summary Way; and if it shall appear to the Justices that any such Box, Key, Books, Documents, or Papers are in the Custody or Power of any such Person, and that he has refused or wilfully neglected to deliver the same, the said Justices shall commit such Offender to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for the said County or Jurisdiction, there to remain without Bail until he shall have delivered up the same, or until Satisfaction shall have been given in respect thereof, to the Person in whose Custody the same ought to be: and the said Justices may grant a Warrant to search for such Box, Key, Books, Documents, or Papers, as in .the Case of stolen Goods, in. any Dwelling House or other Premises in which any credible Witness shall prove upon Oath before them that there is reasonable Cause to suspect the same to be; and the same when found shall be delivered to the Person in whose Custody they ought to be. |
Register Books to be provided. | LXII. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall cause to be printed on account of the said Register Office a sufficient Number of Register Books for making Entries of all Marriages of Her Majesty's Subjects in Ireland who shall be married under the Provisions of this Act, according to the Form of Schedule (G.) to this Act annexed; and the said Register Books shall be of durable Materials, and in them shall be printed upon each Side of every Leaf the Heads of Information herein required to be known and registered of Marriages; and every Page of each of such Books shall be numbered progressively from the Beginning to the End, beginning with Number One; and every Place of Entry shall be also numbered progressively from the Beginning to the End of the Book, beginning with Number One; and every Entry shall be divided from the following Entry by a printed Line. |
Registrars to furnish Marriage Register Books and Forms for certified copies. | LXIII. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall furnish to every Registrar a sufficient Number of Marriage Register Books, and Forms for certified Copies thereof as herein-after provided, and also, on being thereunto required, shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Rector, Vicar, or Curate of every Church and Chapel in Ireland wherein Marriages may lawfully be solemnized, and also to the Presbyterian Minister of every certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and also to every Person whom the Recording Clerk of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers, at their Central Office in Dublin, shall from Time to Time certify in Writing under his Hand to the Registrar General to be a Registering Officer in Ireland of the said Society, and also to every Person whom the President for the Time being of the London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews shall from Time to Time certify in Writing under his Hand to the Registrar General to be the Secretary of a Synagogue in Ireland of Persons professing the Jewish Religion, a sufficient Number in Duplicate of Marriage Register Books, and Forms for certified Copies thereof, as herein-after provided; and the Cost of all such Books and Forms shall be paid by the High Constable out of the County Rates. |
Marriage Registers to be kept in Duplicate. | LXIV. And be it enacted, That every Clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland, immediately after every Office of Matrimony solemnized by him, shall register in Duplicate in Two, of the Marriage Register Books the several Particulars relating to that Marriage according to the Form of the said Schedule (G.); and every Presbyterian Minister of a certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and every such Registering Officer of the Quakers, as soon as conveniently may be after the Solemnization of any Marriage between Two Quakers in the District for which he is Registering Officer, and every such Secretary of a Synagogue, immediately after every Marriage solemnized between any Two Persons professing the Jewish Religion, of whom the Husband shall belong to the Synagogue whereof he is Secretary, shall register or cause to be registered in Duplicate in Two of the said Marriage Register Books the several Particulars relating to that Marriage according to the Form of the said Schedule (G.); and every such Registering Officer or Secretary, whether he shall or shall not be present at such Marriage, shall satisfy himself that the Proceedings in relation thereto have been conformable to the Usages of the said Society, or of the Persons professing the Jewish Religion, as the Case may be; and every such Entry as herein-before is mentioned (whether made by such Clergyman, or by such Presbyterian Minister, or by such Registering Officer or Secretary respectively as aforesaid,) shall be signed by the Clergyman, or by such Presbyterian Minister, or by the said Registering Officer or Secretary, as the Case may be, and by the Parties married, and by Two Witnesses, and shall be made in Order from the Beginning to the End of each Book, and the Number of the Place of Entry in each Duplicate Marriage Register Book shall be the same. |
Duplicates and certified Copies of Registers of Marriages to be sent to Registrar. | LXV. And be it enacted, That the Rector, Vicar, or Curate of every such Church and Chapel, and every such Presbyterian Minister of a certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and every such Registering Officer and Secretary, shall, in the Months of April, July>, October, and January respectively, make and deliver to the Registrar of the District in which such Church or Chapel or certified Presbyterian Meeting House or registered Place of Worship may be situated, or which may be assigned by the Registrar General to such Registering Officer or Secretary, on one of the Forms to be furnished to him as aforesaid by the Registrar General, a true Copy certified by him under his Hand of all the Entries of Marriages in the Register Book kept by him since the last Certificate, the first of such Certificates to be given in the Month of April One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and to contain all the Entries made up to that Time, and if there shall have been no Marriage entered therein since the last Certificate shall certify the Fact under his Hand, and shall keep the said Marriage Register Books safely until the same shall be filled; and one Copy of every such Register Book, when filled, shall be delivered to the Registrar of the District in which such Church or Chapel or certified Presbyterian Meeting House may be situated, or which shall have been assigned as aforesaid to such Registering Officer or Secretary, and the other Copy of every such Register Book kept by any such Rector, Vicar, or Curate shall remain in the keeping of such Rector, Vicar, or Curate, and shall be kept by him with the Registers of Baptisms and Burials of the Parish or Chapelry within which the Marriages registered therein shall have been solemnized, and the other Copy of every such Register Book kept by any such Presbyterian Minister shall remain under the Care of such Presbyterian Minister, and be kept with the other Registers, and Records of his Meeting House, and the other Copy of every such Register Book of Marriages among the People called Quakers and among Persons professing the Jewish Religion respectively shall remain under the Care of the said People or Persons respectively, to be kept with their other Registers and Records, and shall, for the Purposes of this Act, be still deemed: to be in the keeping of the Registering Officer or Secretary for the Time being respectively. |
Registrar to register all Marriages solemnized before him in Books to be sent by the Registrar General. | LXVI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar shall forthwith register every Marriage solemnized in manner aforesaid in his Presence, either in a registered Building or in his Office, in a Marriage Register Book to be furnished to him for that Purpose from Time to Time by the Registrar General according to the Form in Schedule (G.); and every Entry of such Marriage shall be signed by the Registrar, and also by the Parties married, and attested by Two Witnesses; and every such Entry shall be made in Order from the Beginning to the End of the Book; and the Registrar shall keep the said Marriage Register Books with the Records of his Office, and shall, in the Months of April, July, October, and January respectively, make, on one of the Forms to be furnished to him as aforesaid by the Registrar General, a true Copy, certified by him as aforesaid, in the Form of Schedule (F.) annexed to this Act, of all the Entries of, Marriages in the Register Book kept by him since the last Certificate, the first of such Certificates to be given in the Month of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and to contain all the Entries made up to that Time, and if there shall have, been no Marriage entered therein since the last Certificate shall certify the Fact under his Hand. |
Registers to send certified Copies of Registers to the General Register Office. | LXVII. And be it enacted, That every Registrar shall Four Times in every Year, on such Days as shall be therefore named by the Registrar General, send to the Registrar General all the certified Copies of the Registers of Marriages which he shall have so made or received; and the Registrar General, if it shall appear, by Interruption of the regular Progression of Numbers or otherwise, that the Copy of any Part of any Book has not been duly delivered to him, shall procure, as far as possible, consistently with the Provisions of this Act, that the same may be remedied and supplied; and the certified Copies so sent to the General Registry Office shall be thereafter kept in the said Office in such Order and Manner as the Registrar General, under the Direction of the Lord-Lieutenant, shall think fit, so that the same may be most readily seen and examined. |
Searches may be made and Certificates given by Persons keeping the Registers. Fees. |
LXVIII. And be it enacted, That every Rector, Vicar, or Curate, or Presbyterian Minister of a certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and every Registrar, Registering Officer, and Secretary, who shall have the keeping for the Time being of any Register Book of Marriages, wherein any Marriage shall have been registered under this Act, shall at all reasonable Times allow Searches to be made of any Register Book in his keeping, and shall give a Copy certified under his Hand of any Entry or Entries in the same, on Payment of the Fee herein-after mentioned; (that is to say,) for every Search extending over a Period not more than One Year the Sum of One Shilling, and Sixpence additional for every additional Year, and the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence for every single Certificate. |
Indexes to be made at every Registrar's Office, and Persons allowed to search them. Fees. |
LXIX. And be it enacted, That every Registrar shall cause Indexes of the Register Books in his Office to be made, and kept with the other Records of his Office; and that every Person shall be entitled at all reasonable Hours to search the said Indexes, and to have a certified Copy of any Entry or Entries in the said Register Books under the Hand of the Registrar, on Payment of the Fees herein-after mentioned; (that is to say,) for every general Search the Sum of Five Shillings, and for every particular Search the Sum of One Shilling, and for every certified Copy the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence. |
Indexes to be kept at General Register Office, Searches allowed, and certified Copies given. Fees. |
LXX. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall cause Indexes of all the said certified Copies of the Registers to be made and kept in the General Register Office; and that every Person shall be entitled to search the said Indexes between the Hours of Ten in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon of every Day, except Sundays, Christmas Day, and Good Friday, and to have a certified Copy of any Entry in the said certified Copies of the Registers; and for every general Search of the said Indexes shall be paid the Sum of Twenty Shillings, and for every particular Search the Sum of One Shilling, and for every such certified Copy the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence, and no more, shall be paid to the Registrar General, or such other Officer as shall be appointed for that Purpose, on his Account. |
Certified Copies given at General Register Office to be sealed. | LXXI. And be it enacted, That the Registrar General shall cause to be made a Seal of the said Register Office, and the Registrar General shall cause to be sealed or stamped therewith all certified Copies of Entries given in the said Office; and all certified Copies of Entries purporting to be sealed or stamped with the Seal of the said Register Office, and which Seal it shall not be necessary to prove, shall be received as Evidence of the Marriage to which the same relates, without any further or other Proof of such Entry, and no certified Copy purporting to be given in the said Office shall be of any Force or Effect which is not sealed or stamped as aforesaid. |
Clergymen, &c. may ask Parties married the Particulars required. | LXXII. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for every Clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland who shall solemnize any Marriage in Ireland, and for every Presbyterian Minister of a certified Presbyterian Meeting House, and for the Registrar before whom any Marriage is solemnized under this Act, either in any registered Building or in his Office, and for every Registering Officer of the Quakers, and every Secretary of a Synagogue, after the said Thirty-first Day of March, to ask of the Parties to be married the several Particulars herein required to be registered touching such Marriage. |
Penalty for giving false Information. | LXXIII. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall wilfully make or cause to be made, for the Purpose of being inserted in any Register of Marriage, any false Statement touching any of the Particulars herein required to be known and registered, shall be subject to the same Pains and Penalties as if he were guilty of Perjury. |
Penalty for not duly registering Marriages, or for losing or injuring the Registers. | LXXIV. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall refuse or without reasonable Cause omit to register any Marriage solemnized by him, or which he ought to register, and every Person having the Custody of any Register Book, or certified Copy thereof, or of any Part thereof, who shall, carelessly lose or injure the same, or carelessly allow the same to be injured whilst in his keeping, shall forfeit a Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds for every such Offence. |
Penalty for destroying or falsifying Register Books. | LXXV. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall wilfully destroy or injure, or cause to be destroyed or injured, any such Register Book, or any Part or certified Copy of any Part thereof, or shall falsely make or counterfeit, or cause to be falsely made or counterfeited, any Part of any such Register Book or certified Copy thereof, or shall wilfully insert or cause to be inserted in any Register Book or certified Copy thereof any false Entry of any Marriage, or shall wilfully give any false Certificate, or shall certify any Writing to be a Copy or Extract of any Register Book, knowing the same Register to be false in any Part thereof, of which a Copy or Extract shall be so given, or shall forge or counterfeit the Seal of the Register Office, shall be guilty of Felony. |
Accidental Errors may be corrected. | LXXVI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no Person charged with the Duty of registering any Marriage, who shall discover any Error to have been committed in the Form or Substance of any such Entry, either by himself or any Predecessor in his Office, shall be therefore liable to any of the Penalties aforesaid if within One Calendar Month next after the Discovery of such Error, in the Presence of the Parties married, or in case of the Death or Absence of such Parties, then in the Presence of the Registrar and of Two other credible Witnesses who shall respectively attest the same, he shall correct the erroneous Entry, according to the Truth of the Case, by Entry in the Margin, without any Alteration of the original Entry, and shall sign the marginal Entry, and add thereunto the Day of the Month and Year when such Correction shall be made, and shall make the like marginal Entry, attested in like Manner, in the Duplicate Marriage Register Book to be made by him as aforesaid, and in every Case shall make the like Alteration in the certified Copy of the Register Book to be made by him as aforesaid, or in case such certified Copy shall have been already made he shall make and deliver in like Manner a separate certified Copy of the original erroneous Entry, and of the marginal Correction therein made. |
Recovery of Penalties. | LXXVII. And be it enacted, That all Fines and Forfeitures by this Act imposed, unless otherwise directed, shall be recovered before any Two Justices of the Peace for the County, City, or Place where the Offence shall have happened, upon the Information or Complaint of any Person; and if on the Conviction of the Offender, either on his or her Confession, or by the Oath of any One or more credible Witness or Witnesses (which Oath such Justices are hereby empowered to administer), such Fines or Forfeitures, with the Costs of the Conviction, shall not be forthwith paid, the same shall be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of such Justices; and for Want of Distress such Justices may commit every such Offender to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for the County, City, or Place where the Offence shall be committed, without Bail or Mainprize, for any Term not exceeding One Calendar Month, unless such Fine and Forfeiture, and all reasonable Charges attending the Recovery thereof, shall be sooner paid; and one Moiety of all such Fines and Forfeitures shall go to the Person who shall inform and sue or prosecute for the same, and the other Moiety shall go to the Registrar General, or to such other Person as the Commissioners of the Treasury shall appoint, for the Use of Her Majesty; and no Distress made by virtue of this Act shall be deemed unlawful, nor shall the Party making the same be deemed a Trespasser, on account of any Defect or Want of Form in the Summons, Conviction, or Warrant of Distress, or on account of any Irregularity which shall be afterwards committed by the Party distraining, but the Person or Persons aggrieved by such Irregularity shall recover full Satisfaction for the special Damages sustained in an Action on the Case. |
Limitation as to summary Convictions. | LXXVIII. And be it enacted, That the Prosecution for every Offence punishable on Summary Conviction under this Act shall be commenced within Three Calendar Months next after the Commission of the Offence. |
Appeal. | LXXIX. And be it enacted, That in all Cases where the Sum adjudged to be paid on any such summary Conviction shall exceed Five Pounds, any Person convicted may appeal to the next Court of General or Quarter Sessions which shall be holden not sooner than Twelve Days after the Day of such Conviction for the County or other District wherein the Cause of Complaint shall have arisen; provided that such Person shall give to the Complainant a Notice in Writing of such Appeal, and of the Cause and Matter thereof, within Three Days after such Conviction, and Seven clear Days at the least before such Sessions, and shall also either remain in Custody until the Sessions, or enter into a Recognizance, with Two sufficient Sureties, before a Justice of the Peace, conditioned personally to appear at the said Sessions, and to try such Appeal, and to abide the Judgment of the Court thereupon, and to pay such Costs as shall be by the Court awarded; and upon such Notice being given, and such Recognizances being entered into, the Court at such Sessions shall hear and determine the Matter of the Appeal, and shall make such Order therein, with or without Costs, to either Party, as to the Court shall seem meet, and in case of the Dismissal of the Appeal, or the Affirmance of the Conviction, shall order and adjudge the Offender to he punished according to the Conviction, and to pay such Costs as shall be awarded, and shall, if necessary, issue Process for enforcing such Judgment. |
No Certiorari. | LXXX. And be it enacted, That no such Conviction, or Adjudication made on Appeal therefrom, shall be quashed for Want of Form, or be removed by Certiorari or otherwise into any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Record; and no Warrant of Commitment shall be held void by reason of any Defect therein, provided it be therein alleged that the Party has been convicted, and there be a valid Conviction to sustain the same. |
Not to affect Right of Officiating Minister to Fees. | LXXXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall affect the Right of any Officiating Minister to receive the Fees now usually paid for the Performance or Registration of any Marriage. |
Registrar General to furnish Notices to Guardians of Unions, &c. specifying Acts required to be done by Parties registering. | LXXXII. And be it enacted, That the said Registrar General shall, within Three Calendar Months after his Appointment to such Office, furnish to the respective Guardians of every Union, Parish, or Place printed Notices, which the said Guardians shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the Receipt thereof, cause to be fixed or placed on the Outside of the several Church and Chapel, Doors, or other public and conspicuous Buildings or Places, within their respective Unions, Parishes, or Places, and which said Notices shall specify the several Acts required to be done by Persons who may be desirous of solemnizing Marriage under the Provisions of this Act. |
Certain Marriages celebrated to be the same, in Law as if solemnized by Clergymen of the Established Church. | LXXXIII. And whereas Marriages have in divers Instances been had and celebrated in Ireland by Presbyterian and other Protestant Dissenting Ministers or Teachers, or those who at the Time of such Marriages had been such, between Persons of the same or different religious Persuasions, and it is expedient to confirm such Marriages; be it therefore enacted, That all Marriages had and celebrated in Ireland since the passing of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled An Act for Confirmation of certain Marriages in Ireland, and before the passing of this Act, by Presbyterian or other Protestant Dissenting Ministers or Teachers, or those who at the Time of such Marriages had been such, shall be and shall be adjudged and taken to have been and to be of the same Force and Effect in Law as if such Marriages had been solemnized by Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland, and of no other Force nor Effect whatsoever. |
Extent of Act. | LXXXIV. And be it enacted, That this Act shall extend only to Ireland, and shall not extend to the Marriage of any of the Royal Family. |
Act may be amended this Session. | LXXXV. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament. |
SCHEDULES to which this Act refers.
To A.B. [or C.D.] Surrogate [or Deputy Surrogate], or To the Registrar, of the District of [Roscrea] in the County of [Tipperary], [as the Case may be].
I HEREBY give you Notice, That a Marriage is intended to be had, within Three Calendar Months from the Date hereof, between me and the other Party herein named and described; (that is to say,)
Name | Condition | Rank or Condition | Age | Dwelling Place | Length of Residence | Church or Building in which Marriage is to be solemnized | District and County in which the other Party resides, when the Parties dwell in different districts |
Lucius O'Hara | Widower | Carpenter | Of full age | High Street, Roscrea | 23 Days | Sion Chapel, Roscrea, Tipperary | Marlborough, Queen's County |
Margaret Shaw | Spinster | - | Minor | Grove Farm. Parish Maryborough | More than a Month |
Witness my Hand this [Sixth] Day of [May 1845].
(Signed) Lucius O'Hara.
[The Particulars in this Schedule to be entered according to the Fact.]
[No. 14]
I [John Cox], Registrar of the District of [Roscrea] in the County of [Tipperary], do hereby certify, That on the [Sixth] Day of [May] Notice was duly entered in the Marriage Notice Book of the said District of the Marriage intended between the Parties therein named and described, delivered under the Hand of [Lucius O'Hara], One of the Parties; (that is to say,)
Name | Condition | Rank or Condition | Age | Dwelling Place | Length of Residence | Church or Building in which Marriage is to be solemnized | District and County in which the other Party resides, when the Parties dwell in different districts |
Lucius O'Hara | Widower | Carpenter | Of full age | High Street, Roscrea | 23 Days | Sion Chapel, Roscrea, Tipperary | Marlborough, Queen's County |
Margaret Shaw | Spinster | - | Minor | Grove Farm. Parish Maryborough | More than a Month |
Date of Notice, entered, | The Issue of this Certificate has not been forbidden by any Person authorised to forbid the Issue thereof. |
6th May 1845. | |
Date of Certificate given | |
28th May 1845. |
Witness, my Hand this [Twenty-eighth] Day of [May One thousand eight hundred and forty-five].
(Signed) John Cox,
This Certificate will be void unless the Marriage is solemnized on or before the [Seventh] Day of [August 1845].
[The Particulars in this Schedule to be entered according to the Fact.]
WHEREAS a Marriage is intended to be solemnized between A.B. of and C.D. of : And whereas Application for a Licence hath been made to me E.F. the Presbyterian Minister duly authorized, by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant pursuant to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria, intituled "An Act," &c. [here insert the Title of this Act], to issue Marriage Licences within the Bounds of the Presbytery of : And whereas I have received the Certificate required by Law from the Reverend G.H., Minister of the Congregation of of which A.B. [or C.D.] is a Member: And whereas I have duly ascertained, by the Oath [or Affirmation] of the said A.B. [or C.D.], that the Parties are respectively of the Age of Twenty-one Years, and that there is no Impediment of Kindred, or Alliance or other lawful Hindrance to the said Marriage, and that A.B. [or C.D.] has had his [or her] usual Place of Abode for the Space of Fifteen Days last past within the Bounds of the Presbytery of , or [in Cases where either Party is under Age, and not a Widower or Widow,] that A.B. [or C.D.] is under the Age of Twenty-one Years, and that the Consent of I.K., whose Consent to his [or her] Marriage is required by Law has been obtained thereto [or that there is no Person having Authority to give such Consent, or, where a Party so under Age is a Widower or Widow, that A.B. [or C.D.] is under Twenty-one Years of Age, but is a Widower or Widow, as the Case may be]: Now I do hereby grant unto the Reverend or other the Minister officiating in the certified Presbyterian Meeting House of full Licence, according to the Authority in that Behalf given to me by the said Act, to proceed to solemnize such Marriage; provided that the said Marriage be publicly solemnized in the Presence of Two Witnesses, within One Calendar Month from the Date hereof, in the certified Presbyterian Meeting House of [here describe the Meeting House in which the Marriage is to be solemnized], between the Hours of Eight in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon. Given under my Hand, this Day of One thousand eight hundred and
(Signed) E.F.
Licenser of Presbyterian Marriages.
I [John Mason], Presbyterian Minister of in the Presbytery of do hereby certify, That on the Day of Notice was duly entered in a Book kept for that Purpose in my Congregation of the Marriage intended between the Parties therein named and described, delivered under the Hand of One of the Parties, who is and has been for the last Calendar Month a Member of my own Congregation; (that is to say,)
Name | Condition | Rank or Condition | Age | Residence | Length of Residence | Church or Building in which Marriage is to be performed | County and Parish in which the other Party dwells, or where the Parties dwell in different Parishes, Congregations or Districts |
John Brown | Widower | Mason | Full age or 21 | County Down | 2 Years | 1st Presbyterian Church, Comber | Congregation of Kilrea, County of Derry |
Parish Comber | |||||||
Town Comber | |||||||
Townland Comber | |||||||
Mary Mahon | Spinster | Milliner | Full Age | County Derry | |||
Parish Kilrea | |||||||
Town Kilrea |
Witness my Hand, this Day of One thousand eight hundred and
(Signed) [John Mason,]
Minister of the Congregation of
[The Particulars in this Schedule to be entered according to the Fact.]
A.B., Registrar of to C.D. and E.F. of sendeth greeting.
WHEREAS ye are minded, as it is said, to enter into a Contract of Marriage under the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the Title of this Act], and are desirous that the same may be speedily and publicly solemnized: And whereas you C.D. [or E.F.] have made and subscribed a Declaration under your Hand that you believe there is no Impediment of Kindred or Alliance or other lawful Hindrance to the said Marriage, and that you C.D. [or E.F.] have [or has] had your [or his or her] usual Place of Abode for the Space of Fifteen Days last past within the District of ( ), and [in Cases where either Party is under Age, and not a Widower or Widow,] that you C.D. [or E.F.] are [or is] under the Age of Twenty-one Years, and that the Consent of G.H.>, whose Consent to your [or his or her] Marriage is required by Law, has been obtained thereto [or that there is no Person having Authority to give such Consent], or, where a, Party so under Age is a Widower or Widow, that you C.D. [or E.F.] are [or is] under Twenty-one Years of Age, but are [or is] a Widower or Widow, as the Case may be]: I do hereby grant unto you full Licence, according to the Authority in that Behalf given to me by the said Act,: to proceed to solemnize such Marriage; provided that the said Marriage be publicly solemnized in the Presence of Two Witnesses, within Three Calendar Months from the [here insert the Date of the Entry in the Notice Book of the Registrar], in the [here describe the Building in which the Marriage is to be solemnized], between the Hours of Eight in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon. Given under my Hand, this Day of One thousand eight hundred and
(Signed) A.B. Registrar.
I [John Cox], Registrar of the District of [Roscrea] in the County of [Tipperary], do hereby certify, That this is a true Copy of the Entries of Marriage registered in the said District from the Entry of the Marriage of [John Wood] and [Anne Simpson], Number [One], to the Entry of the Marriage of [Lucius O'Hara] and [Margaret Shaw], Number [Fourteen]. Witness my Hand, this [First Day of July 1845].
(Signed) John Cox, Registrar.
[The Particulars in this Schedule to be entered according to the Fact.]
1845. — MARRIAGES solemnized [at the Parish Church] in the [Parish of St. Audeon] in the City of [Dublin].
No. | When married. | Name and Surname. | Age. | Condition. | Rank or Profession. | Residence at the Time of Marriage. | Father's Name and Surname. | Rank or Profession of Father. | |
1 | 27 March 1845. | Patrick Donovan. | Of full age | Bachelor | Carpenter | 3, South Street | Peter Donovan | Upholsterer | |
Mary O'Brien. | Minor. | Spinster. | - | 17, High Street. | Laurence O'Brien. | Butcher. |
Married in the [Parish Church], according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the [United Church of England and Ireland, by Licence], or [after Banns],
By me, [William Jackson, Vicar.]
This Marriages was solemnized between us, | Patrick Donovan Mary O'Brien |
in the Presence of us, | Dennis Donovan Laurence O'Brien |
[The Particulars in this Schedule to be entered according to the Fact ]