An Act to provide for the taking an Account of the Population of Ireland, and for the ascertaining the Increase or Diminution thereof.
[28 June 1815]
55 Geo. III. c.120
Account shall be taken of the Number of Persons in Ireland, by Persons to be appointed for that Purpose. |
WHEREAS it is expedient to make Provision for the taking an Account of the Total Number of Persons from Time to Time within that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland; be it therefore enacted by the King's most, Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That such Persons as shall be for that Purpose appointed in the Manner herein-after mentioned to take the Accounts required by this Act, shall, at the Times and in the Manner herein-after directed, severally take an Account of the Number of Persons who shall be actually found, at the Time of taking such Accounts, to be within the Limits of the several Parishes and Places within the several Counties, Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns, in Ireland respectively, according to the Provisions in this Act contained. |
Copies of this Act shall be delivered by the King's Printer to an Officer to be appointed by the Chief Secretary. and by such Officer sent to the Clerks of the Peace, &c. for Distribution under this Act, with Forms of Account, &c. | II. And for the more speedy and effectually obtaining of such Accounts, be it further enacted, That a sufficient Number of printed Copies of this Act shall from Time to Time be delivered by His Majesty's Printer in Ireland, to an Officer to be appointed by the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, and which Officer such Chief Secretary is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint, for digesting and arranging the several Returns to be made pursuant to this Act, whenever the said Printer shall be required by the said Officer; and the said printed Copies shall, by the said Officer, be transmitted to the several Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks of the several and respective Counties, Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns in Ireland, and Schedules of Instructions for carrying this Act into Execution, and Forms of the several Accounts and Returns required to be made by this Act, and of the Attestation of such Accounts and Returns, and of and for all other Matters and Things requisite for the Purpose of fully carrying into Execution Purposes of this Act, shall be prepared by the said Officer under the Direction of such Chief Secretary; and printed Copies of such Instructions and Forms shall be transmitted by such Officer so to be appointed by such Chief Secretary, to the Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks in every County, County of a City, and County of a Town in Ireland who shall distribute the same to the Chairman or Assistant Barrister in every County at large, and to the Recorder of every County of a City and County of a Town, and to the several Magistrates assembled in Sessions for the several Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland respectively, and under their Direction to the several Persons to be appointed to carry this Act into effect in the several Parishes and Places in Ireland, in Manner herein-after mentioned; and the said Officer so to be appointed by such Chief Secretary, shall from Time to Time communicate with the said Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks, and with such Chairman, Assistant Barristers, Recorders, and Magistrates when necessary, in furtherance of the Purposes of this Act; and the said several Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks shall and they are hereby required to acknowledge the Receipt of this Act, and the said Schedule of Instructions, and other Forms, and shall with all convenient Speed cause the said Act, and the said Schedule of Instructions and other Forms, to be distributed in Manner directed by this Act, within their respective Limits. |
Magistrates, on Precept of Chief Secretary, shall hold Special Sessions for appointing Persons in each Parish, &c. to take an Account of the Population therein, and to make Returns thereof to an Adjournment of such Sessions. | III. And be it further enacted, That the several Chairmen, or Assistant Barristers of the several Counties, and the Recorders of the several Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland, together with the Bench of Magistrates in such Counties, Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns respectively, upon receiving a Precept from the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland (which Precept such Chief Secretary is hereby authorized and empowered from Time to Time to issue, together with the Instructions for carrying the same into Effect) shall from Time to Time cause a Special Sessions of the Peace to be summoned and holden from Time to Time, for the Purposes of this Act, within their respective Counties, Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns, within such Period and at such Times as shall be named in such Precept; and shall at the First Meeting of such Special Sessions name and appoint, according to such Instructions as shall accompany the Precept of the Chief Secretary as aforesaid, in and for each Parish within such County, County of a City or County of a Town, or in and for any Barony, Half Barony, Townland, District, Division, or Place within such County, County of a City or County of a Town, as to such Special Sessions shall seem fitting and practicable, One fit and proper Person, residing in each such Parish or Barony, Half Barony, Townland, District, Division or Place respectively, as they shall in their Discretion think fit to appoint, for the Purpose of taking the Account required by this Act, and shall thereupon make out a List of the several Parishes or Baronies, Half Baronies, Townlands, Districts, Divisions and Places, in and for which Persons shall be so named and appointed, and the Christian and Surname of every such Person so named and appointed, and shall transmit such List to the Officer to be appointed by the Chief Secretary as aforesaid, and having so done, shall adjourn such Special Session, to such Day and Time as shall be directed and appointed by the Precept or Instructions of such Chief Secretary; and at such Adjourned Sessions, such Chairman or Assistant Barrister or Recorder, and Bench of Magistrates shall proceed, according to such Instructions as they may receive for that Purpose, to order and direct every such Person so appointed to take an Account in the several Parishes, or in the several Baronies, Half Baronies, Townlands, Districts, Divisions, or Places, respectively, of the several Matters and Things required by this Act, and to make a Return thereof to the said Sessions, at such Adjournment of such Sessions as shall be mentioned in such Order. |
In case of Death, &c. of Person making Returns, Lord Lieutenant to appoint another. | IV. And be it further enacted, That in case any Person so to be appointed to take such Account shall happen to die without taking such Account and making such Returns as is required by this Act for the Parish, District, or Place, for which such Person shall be so appointed, or if any such Person shall be incapable of acting, or shall neglect to act in the Execution of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, to appoint another fit and proper Person in the Room and Stead of the Person so dying or being incapable of acting or neglecting to act, and every such Person so appointed shall in all respects perform the same Duties and have the same Powers, and be subject to the same Rules, Regulations, and Penalties, as the Person originally appointed, under or by virtue of this Act; and Notice of every such Appointment shall be given (by the Officer to be appointed by such Chief Secretary for the Purposes of this Act) to the Chairman, Assistant Barrister, or Recorder of the County, County of a City, or County of a Town, within which such Person shall be so appointed. |
In what Manner the Persons so appointed shall take Account of the Population in each Parish, &c. | V. And be it further enacted, That all such Persons so appointed to take the Account required by this Act whenever they shall consider it necessary, shall and may take to their Assistance and employ the Church-wardens, Constables, and other Peace Officers within each Parish, Barony, Townland, District, Division, or Place respectively, as also the Sub-Constables and other Persons employed in applotting and collecting the Grand Jury Assessments within the same respectively; which said several Persons are hereby required to be aiding and assisting herein; and all such Persons so appointed to take the Account required by this Act, in the several Parishes, Baronies, Half Baronies, Townlands, Divisions, Districts or Places respectively shall, either by themselves, or with such Assistance as aforesaid, if they shall confider it necessary, within such Time as shall be directed by such Order of Sessions as aforesaid, proceed to take an Account of the Number of Persons at that Time within the Limits of the respective Parishes, Baronies, Half Baronies, Townlands, Districts, Divisions, or Places, in which they shall have been so as aforesaid appointed, and to inform themselves of all Particulars relating to the Matters of which an Account is required to be given, according to the Form to be transmitted to them for that Purpose by proceeding from House to House, and by continuing such their Examination from Day to Day, without Interruption, or negligent or wilful Delay, until the same shall have been fully completed; and from such Information as aforesaid shall forthwith prepare an Answer or Return, containing all Matters of which an Account is required to be given, according to the Form to be transmitted to them for that Purpose; and such Persons so making such Returns shall thereafter sign the same, with their Names and ordinary Designations and Places of Abode, and shall attest the Correctness thereof on Oath before the Chairmen, or Assistant Barristers, in Counties, and before the Recorders in Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns and Bench of Magistrates respectively, at the Adjournment of the said Quarter Sessions to be specially holden for that Purpose, at the Day and Time mentioned for that Purpose in the Order of the said Sessions; and the better to enable all such Persons to make such Answers or Returns as aforesaid, such Persons, and their said Assistants and Persons by them employed, are hereby authorized and empowered to ask all such Questions of all Persons within the respective Parishes, Baronies, Half Baronies, Townlands, Districts, Divisions, and Places, in which they shall take the Accounts required by this Act, respecting themselves, and the Number, Age, and Occupation of the Persons constituting their respective Families, as shall be necessary for stating the Particulars required to be stated concerning them, in the Answers and Returns aforesaid; and that every such Person refusing to Answer, or wilfully giving a false Answer to such Questions, or any of them, shall for every such Refusal or false Answer, on Proof thereof being made before any Justice of the Peace of the County in which such Persons shall reside, on the Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses, forfeit a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds nor less than Forty Shillings, at the Discretion of the said Justice before whom the Complaint thereof shall have been so made. |
Accounts and Returns shall be transmitted to the Chief Secretary, and an Abstract prepared and laid before Parliament every Session. | VI. And be it further enacted, That the several original Accounts so taken in Writing, and attested as aforesaid by the Persons so appointed as aforesaid, together with all Answers and Returns prepared thereupon, shall be from Time to Time transmitted by the Chairman or Assistant Barristers of Counties, and Recorders of Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, within One Calendar Month after the Receipt of the same, to the Office. of the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, a Copy thereof having been previously made by the several Clerks of the Peace of the Counties, and Town Clerks of the Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, wherein they were respectively taken, and lodged among the County Records; and which Copies such Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks are hereby strictly required and enjoined to make or cause to be made, and safely keep and preserve in their respective Offices, and to deliver over to their Successors in Office respectively; and that such Accounts, Answers, and Returns so transmitted to the Office of such Chief Secretary, shall be digested and reduced into order by such Officer as such Chief Secretary shall from Time to Time appoint for the Purpose; and that an Abstract thereof shall be from Time to Time laid before both Houses of Parliament. |
In case of Neglect or Deficiency of Returns, &c. Chief Secretary may direct his Precept for New Returns. | VII. And be it further enacted, That in all Cases wherein Returns shall not be made in pursuance of any Precept from the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, pursuant to the Provisions of this Act, or where it shall appear that the Returns made are defective or inaccurate, and whenever it shall seem expedient to the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, that Returns should be made under this Act, it shall and may be lawful for such Chief Secretary for the Time being to issue his Precept to the Chairman or Assistant Barrister of any of the Counties in Ireland, or to the Recorder of any Counties of Cities, or Counties of Towns in Ireland, forthwith to proceed to cause due Returns to be made in any County, County of a City or Town, or in all or any Parish or Parishes, or Place or Places named and specified in such Precept, under the Provisions and Powers of this Act. |
Compensation to Parties employed in Execution of this Act. | VIII. And be it further enacted That there shall be paid and allowed, for the Trouble and Expence of the several Persons employed in the Transactions aforesaid, for the Returns which shall be so made pursuant to the Directions aforesaid, the Sums following; that is to say, to the Clerk of the Peace or Town Clerk, for every Return which shall be made, and a Copy thereof lodged in his Office, the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence, and also a further Sum not exceeding Sixpence for every Seventy-two Words and Figures contained in every such Return; and to the several Persons so to be appointed to take the Accounts, and make the Returns required by this Act, a Reasonable Compensation, to be estimated by the Chairman or Assistant Barrister and Bench of Magistrates in Counties, and by the Recorders and Magistrates in Counties of Cities and Towns; and that such Compensation shall be calculated according to the Nature of the Work performed, and the Quantity of Time employed, to which shall also be added the Expences (if any) incurred by every such Person in the Execution of this Act; and that such Work and Services shall be duly certified by the Chairman and Assistant Barrister of Counties, and Recorders of Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, and the Bench of Magistrates in each of the said Counties respectively, and shall also be approved of by the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, for the Time being; and it shall and may be lawful for the Collectors of Excise in their respective Districts in Ireland, to pay such Sum or Sums of Money so certified and approved as aforesaid to the Parties producing such Certificate and Approbation, and also to pay all such other Sum and Sums of Money as shall appear to such Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors to be requisite and necessary, and as he or they shall order to be paid for any Reasonable Expences Incurred by any Person in the Execution of this Act to such Persons as shall produce such Order, and all Sums so paid by such Collectors of Excise shall be allowed them in their Accounts. |
Packets shall be free of Postage. | IX. And be it further enacted, That all Letters and Packets containing the Accounts of Returns of Population as aforesaid, and all other Communications relative to this Act, coming to or from the Officer so to be from Time to Time appointed by the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland as aforesaid, shall be carried and conveyed by Means of His Majesty's Post Office, and delivered without Postage, or any Charge being paid or payable for the same. |
Penalty on Officers, &c. for Neglect or Falsification in Execution of this Act. Recovery and Application of Penalties. |
X. And be it further enacted, That every Person so to be appointed as aforesaid, to take the Accounts required by this Act and every Church-warden, Constable, Peace Officer, Sub-Constable, or other Person whatever required to assist in the Execution of this Act, who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to act in Execution of this Act, or shall make any wilful Default or Falsification in any of the Matters required of them respectively in this Act shall for every such wilful Neglect, Default, or Falsification, forfeit a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds nor less than Forty shillings, at the Discretion of any Justice of the Peace within his Jurisdiction, before whom such Person shall be convicted of such Offence, on the Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses; and that the several Forfeitures and Penalties inflicted by this Act shall, if not immediately paid, be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, by virtue of a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any Justice of the Peace having Jurisdiction where such Offender shall dwell, rendering to the said Offender the Overplus (if any) after the Charges of such Distress and Sale shall be deducted; and in case such sufficient Distress shall not be found, then it shall be lawful for such Justice to commit such Offender to the Common Gaol, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for a Term not exceeding Three Calendar Months, unless the said Forfeiture and Charges shall be sooner paid; and the said Forfeitures shall be paid One Moiety to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Collector of Excise for the District wherein the said Offence shall be committed, to be by him applied in Aid of the Expenditure incurred by Reason of this Act. |