An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Ireland, and of the Increase or Diminution thereof.
[18 July 1812]
52 Geo. III c.133
An Account to be taken of the Number of Persons in Ireland. | WHEREAS it is expedient to take an Account of the total Number of Persons now within that Part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, called Ireland: May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That within that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, such Persons as shall be for that Purpose appointed in the Manner herein-after mentioned to act in and for every Barony and Half Barony in Counties, and every Parish in Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, shall, at the Time and in the Manner herein-after directed, severally take an Account of the Number of Persons who shall be actually found at the Time of taking such Accounts to be within the Limits of such Baronies and Half Baronies in Counties, and Parishes in Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns respectively, and shall set down the several Particulars respecting the same, according to the Form prescribed in the Schedule annexed to this Act. |
Printed Copies of the Act to be transmitted to the Clerks of the Peace, &c. to Secretaries of Grand Juries. | II. And for the more speedy and effectual obtaining of such Accounts, be it further enacted, That a sufficient Number of printed Copies of this Act, and of the Schedule thereto annexed, shall, within Thirty Days after the passing of this Act, be transmitted, by His Majesty's Printer in Ireland, to the Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks of the several and respective Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, in that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland; and that the said several Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks shall and they are hereby required, with all convenient Speed, to cause the said Act to be distributed to the Secretaries of the Grand Juries within their respective Limits. |
Grand Juries to appoint proper Persons to take the Account. | III. And be it further enacted, That the several Grand Juries of the Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland, are hereby empowered and required (in the County of Dublin and County of the City of Dublin, at the next presenting Term, and in the other Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, at their respective Spring Assizes which shall be held next after the passing of this Act in each of the Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns) to appoint in and for each Parish One substantial Householder residing therein, to take an Account within the said Parish of the several Matters required by this Act, and in all other Counties in Ireland, to enjoin the High Constable of each Barony and Half Barony to take an Account within the said Baronies and Half Baronies respectively, of the several Matters and Things required by this Act; and that such Persons so appointed in Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, taking to their Assistance and Employ, if they shall think fit, the Churchwardens, Constables, and other Peace Officers in each Parish respectively, and in the other Counties of Ireland taking to their Assistance and employing, if they shall think fit, the Sub-Constables and all Persons employed in applotting and collecting the Grand Jury Assessments (such Several Persons being hereby required to be aiding and assisting therein for that Purpose) shall proceed on the First Day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, to take Account of the Number of Persons at that Time within the Limits of their respective Baronies, Half Baronies or Parishes, and inform themselves of the several Particulars relating to all the Matters specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed, by proceeding from House to House on the before-mentioned Day, and continuing such their Examination from Day to Day, without Interruption or negligent or wilful Delay, until the same shall be fully completed; and from such Information as aforesaid shall prepare with all convenient Speed an Answer or Return to all the said Questions, according to the Form prescribed in the said Schedule, and the several persons so authorized and appointed shall thereafter sign the same with their Names and ordinary Designations, and attest the Correctness thereof by such Signature before some Justice of the Peace of the County or City within which they reside; and the better to enable them to make such Answers and Returns as aforesaid, they, and their said Assistants and Persons by them employed are hereby authorized and empowered to ask all such Questions of the Persons within their respective Parishes, Baronies, and Half Baronies, respecting themselves and the Number and Quality of the Persons constituting their respective Families, as shall be necessary for stating the Particulars required to be stated concerning them in the said Answers and Returns; and every such Person refusing to answer, or wilfully giving a false Answer to such Questions, or any of them, shall for every such Refusal or false Answer forfeit a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds nor less than Forty Shillings, at the Discretion of any Justice of the Peace before whom the Complaint thereof shall be made. |
Persons taking the Accounts, required to transmit the same to the Clerks of the Peace, &c. who are to transmit the same to the Office of the Chief Secretary, in order that the same may be laid before Parliament. | IV. And be it further enacted, That the several Accounts so taken in Writing by the Persons so appointed as aforesaid, for the Purpose of preparing the aforesaid Answers and Returns, and also the said Answers and Returns prepared thereupon, shall be safely delivered or transmitted by them to the several Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks of the Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, wherein they were respectively appointed; which said Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks are hereby authorized and required safely to keep and preserve the said Accounts in their respective Offices, and to deliver them over to their Successors in Office respectively; and that the said Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks shall, on or before the Twentieth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirteen transmit with all convenient Speed such Answers and Returns as they shall have received in Manner aforesaid (together with a List of the Parishes within the Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, and of the Baronies and Half Baronies within the other Counties respectively, from whence no Returns have been made to them) to the Office of His Majesty's Principal Secretary for Ireland; and the same shall be digested and reduced into order by such Officer as such Secretary shall appoint for that Purpose, and that an Abstract thereof shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within the First Forty Days of the Session then next ensuing. |
If Returns are defective, the same to be transmitted to the Grand Juries to be made perfect. | V. And be it further enacted, That in all Cases where no Return shall have been made, or were there shall appear, on Examination at the Chief Secretary's Office, good Reason to believe that the Returns made have been defective or inaccurate, the said Chief Secretary is hereby empowered and directed to cause a List of such Parishes, Baronies and Half Baronies, from which no Returns or defective or inaccurate Returns have been received to be transmitted to the Grand Jury of such County wherein the said Parishes, Baronies or Half Baronies are respectively situated, with Directions that they shall forthwith proceed to cause due Returns to be made therein, under such Provisions and with like Powers as have been given to the Grand Juries by the aforesaid Enactments. |
Allowances to Persons employed in the Execution of the Act. | VI. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid and allowed for the Trouble and Expence of the several Persons employed in the Transactions aforesaid, for every Return which shall be so made and transmitted to the Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks respectively, pursuant to the Directions aforesaid, the Sums following; (videlicet), To the Clerk of the Peace or Town Clerk, for the Return which shall be made from every such Parish, Barony or Half Barony, the Sum of One Shilling; and to the several Householders and Constables so appointed a reasonable Compensation for the Trouble by them necessarily taken, and also for the Expences (if any) by them necessarily incurred in the Execution of this Act. |
Grand Juries empowered to present such Sums, to be raised as other County Charges. | VII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Grand Juries of the several Counties, Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland, to present such Sum or Sums of Money as they may deem reasonable Payment pursuant to the Provisions of this Act, for the Services herein-before recited, to be raised and levied together and in like Manner with the other County Charges, and paid over to the Persons thereunto entitled, upon Proof made to the Satisfaction of such Grand Jury, by the Oaths of the persons respectively employed, that they have faithfully performed the Duties enjoined them by this Act; such Presentment being always submitted to the Inspection and Fiat of the Judge of Assize, in like Manner with other Presentments. |
Penalty on Persons making false returns. | VIII. And be it further enacted, That every such Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, High Constable or other such Officer as aforesaid, and also every such Householder or other Person so appointed as aforesaid, making wilful Default in any of the Matters required of them respectively by this Act, shall, for every such wilful Default forfeit a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, nor less than Forty Shillings, at the Discretion of the Justice or Justices before whom Complaint thereof shall be made; and in case any of the Householders or Persons appointed to make such Returns shall by his Signature attest any Return as aforesaid, knowing the same to be false, such Person so attesting the same, and being convicted thereof, shall incur and be subject to like Penalties as if he had been guilty of Perjury, by attesting such false Return on Oath before a Magistrate. |
Judges to give this Act in Charge to Grand Juries. | IX. And be it further enacted, That the Court of King's Bench, and all and every Judge and Judges of Assize and General Gaol Delivery in Ireland respectively, are hereby directed and required, from Time to Time, as Occasion shall require, to give this Act in charge to the Grand Juries of the several Counties and Cities in Ireland, and to require them to comply therewith as the Law directs; and for that Purpose to desire the said Grand Juries to select and appoint on the First Day of the Assizes, immediately after they shall have been sworn, a Committee of their Body, consisting of not more than Five, nor less than Three, to carry the Provisions of this Act into Effect. |
Grand Juries to present Lists of Householders to the Judge of Assize. | X. And be it further enacted, That each and every of the said Grand Juries within Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns shall present the List of Householders so selected by them as herein required, to the Judge of Assize, together with their other Presentments, for his Fiat of Approbation; which List, so approved, shall be deemed thenceforth competent to the Purposes of this Act. |
QUESTIONS to which, by Directions of an Act passed in the Fifty-second Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled, 'An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Ireland,' written Answers are to be returned by the Householders and High Constables appointed in and for the several Parishes, Baronies, and Half Baronies therein mentioned, signed by them respectively, and attested as aforesaid.
Who are respectively required to take an Account of the Resident Population, by proceeding from House to House on the First Day of September, and on the Days immediately subsequent thereto, if one Day shall not be sufficient; and they are also required to specify in Writing the Name of the Parish, Barony, or Half Barony respectively.
1st. How many Inhabited Houses are their in your Parish, Barony, or Half Barony; and by how many Families are they occupied?
2nd. How many Houses are now building, and therefore not yet inhabited?
3d. How many other Houses are uninhabited?
4th. What Number of Families in your Parish, Barony, or Half Barony, are chiefly employed in and maintained by Agriculture; how many Families are chiefly employed in or maintained by Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft; and, how many Families are not comprized in either of the Two preceding Classes?
N.B. The Total Number of Families in Answer to this Question, must correspond with the Number of Families in Answer to the 1st Question.
5th. How many Persons (including Children of whatever age) are there actually found within the Limits of your Parish, Barony, or Half Barony, at the Time of taking this Account; distinguishing Males and Females, and exclusive of Men actually serving in His Majesty's Regular Forces, or in the Militia, and exclusive of Seamen either in His Majesty's Service, or belonging to Registered Vessels?
6th. How many of the whole Number of Persons mentioned by you in Answer to the 5th Question, are Inhabitants of any City, Town, or Village, distinguishing the Number which are found in each City, Town or Village respectively?
7th. Are there any other Matters which you may think it necessary to remark, in Explanation of your Answers to any of the preceding Questions?
Form of Answers to the Questions contained in the Schedule to an Act, 52 Geo 3. intituled "An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Ireland".
Name and Description of Parish, &c. | Question Ist. | Question 2d. | Question 3d. | Question 4th. OCCUPATIONS. |
Question 5th. Persons, including children, of whatever age. |
Question 6th. | ||||||
Inhabited houses. | By how many Families occupied. | Houses now building. | Other Houses uninhabited. | Families chiefly employed in Agriculture. | Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, and Handicraft. | All other Families not comprized in the Two preceding Classes. | Males. | Females. | Total of Persons. | Names of Towns, Cities, and Villages. | Total inhabitants in each. | |
[N.B. If any Family occupies Two or more Houses in different Parishes, Baronies, or Half Baronies, the Individuals belonging to such Family are to be numbered only in those Parishes, Baronies, or Half Baronies, where they severally happen to be at the Time of taking the Account.]
7th Question. Are there any other Matters which you may think it necessary to remark, in explanation of your Answers to any of the preceding Questions?
FORM OF ATTESTATION of the Truth of Returns.
I, A.B. having been appointed by the Grand Jury of the County of to take an Account of the Population in the Parish, Barony, or Half Barony of [as the case may be] pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in the Fifty-second Year of George the Third, and intituled, 'An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Ireland,' do attest, That the above Returns contain, to the best of my Knowledge and Belief, a full and true Answer to the Questions contained in the Schedule to this Act.
The above-mentioned A.B. attested the above Return before us, the Justices of the Peace in and for the this Day of C.D. and E.F.