Sites we like
The Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS)
Preserves and promotes electronic resources
BBC History Magazine
The BBC History Magazine online
British History and the Census
Various units for understanding the Census - requires an Athens password
British History Online
Official site of the Institute of Historical Research
Charles Booth Online Archive
Charles Booth and the survey into life and labour in London (1886-1903)
Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Geostat Center: Collections
Historical census browser, mainly US material
Historical Directories
Online searchable local and trade directories for England and Wales from 1750 to 1919
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)
Searchable Parliamentary papers
Internet Archive - WayBack Machine
Internet archive - accessing old web pages
Local Population Studies Society
Journal for local historical population
studies, with first 60 issues online.
Digital historical map archive
Ordnance Survey - History and Hidden Meanings
History and hidden meanings of place names
The Research Randomizer
For producing a random sample for research
Surname Profiler
Surname profiler for 1881 and 1998 in Great Britain, with surname distribution maps
Unit Conversion
Links and tool for unit conversion e.g. between imperial and metric units
UK Active Map of Universities and HE Institutions
A map showing all the universities and higher education institutions, with links
Victorian Census Project
The Victorian census project based at the Staffordshire university
The Victorian Web
Covers various aspects of Victorian history
Vision of Britain
Statistics, maps and description of Britain from 1801 to 2001
The Workhouse
Covers various aspects of the history of the workhouse in Britain and Ireland
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