The following resources are available from the browse trees on the left.
- Census
- All published census reports for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, for the period 1801-1937
with the sole exception of the census of the Irish Free State in 1926. The published census
reports contain detailed population statistics across the period, along with a wealth
of other statistical information relating to the economy and society.
- Registrar General
- All the published registration reports for England, Wales and Scotland, without
exception for the period 1837-1920. The Registrar-Generals' reports contain information
on numbers of births, deaths and marriages along with other medical statistics.
- The National Archives (TNA)
- A large selection of documents from the The National Archives including reproductions of
all the different census enumerators' books used from 1841 through to
1901 in full colour, a number of maps relating to registration districts along with a wide selection
of correspondence and reports emanating from the General Register Office.
- Essays
- This section of the site contains over 100 essays specially written by Edward Higgs and Matthew
Woollard. These essays contextualise the material found elsewhere in the site, and provide a
comprehensive history of registration and population statistics within the British Isles before the
Second World War.
- Legislation
- The full texts of all of the Acts of Parliament relating to population
statistics during the period 1800 to 1937. These texts illuminate the process of both census taking and
registration across the period, by describing the "official" procedures laid down by Parliament.
Legislation provides highly important contextual information for the history of the construction of statistics.
- Bibliography
- A detailed list of resources for further information about the
censuses and registration processes. This bibliography is compiled mainly from the essays
specially written to accompany the OHPR collection.